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Informal Economy Support Facility

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#InformalTalks Webinar 1: Defining the informal economy


The first #InformalTalks webinar "Defining the Informal Economy: What is it? Where does it come from? Why is it growing?" was held on 22 June 2018. Here is the recording:

Its objective was to provide participants with an understanding of the phenomenon of the Informal Economy by defining key concepts and issues, illustrating trends, challenges and characteristics of employment in the informal economy, as well as the contribution of these activities to GDP in various regions of the world.

The webinar was facilitated by Mr. Paolo Carlini, RNSF Team Leader, with an initial presentation of Mr. Jacques Charmes, Director of research emeritus, IRD, University Paris Descartes and RNSF Research Expert, and the participation of Ms. Donatella Gobbi (DEVCO). It was structured through the 3 following questions: 

  • What is the Informal Economy? 
  • Where does it come from? 
  • Why is it growing? 

You can find below the materials used or mentioned during the webinar.

We look forward to your feedback and questions. Feel free to use the comment section and the Discussion blog of the IESF Group!

Related documents

Definition of the informal economy

English (788.08 KB - PDF)