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The one thing we all want for 2021 is to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic. Healthy wetlands are vital to supporting communities through the pandemic by building resilience. But to continue our work, we need your support.

In this special appeal, we share how Wetlands International is adapting to enable wetland recovery where it’s needed most for nature and people – from the Pantanal in Brazil to the Saloum Delta in Senegal, Java and Sumatra, Indonesia and Kumpang in Malaysia. In our latest newsletter, you can read about how these communities are affected by and are coping with the global pandemic.

The stories in our latest newsletter include:

- Indonesia's nature-based coastal resilience through virtual outreach in times of the pandemic 

Combating fires and enhancing livelihoods in the Pantanal during COVID-19

Continuing mangrove restoration and supporting livelihoods in Senegal

Empowering Malaysia’s wetland tribes with access to market for craftsmanship

Supporting the re-integration and self-sufficiency of India’s displaced workers across wetlands

Virtual community training to continue to rewetting peatlands in Indonesia and Russia

To see the full version of our newsletter, click here