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Posted on OPSYS

Dear Colleagues,

The full presentation of Etienne's life in Gondwana in 2020 is now available in the Library section!



Etienne works from his office in Gondwana and thanks to his personalised entry page "My Workspace", he can visualise the status of his portfolio, including milestones, indicators and he can check his upcoming events and pending tasks.  OPSYS will also alert him of pending and overdue actions.

If there need be, Etienne will easily access and print key information and retrieve in a few clicks the logframe and initial indicators. He can also search for background information in Capacity4Dev.



DAY 2 - MEETING at the ministry

On Day 2, Etienne's first task is to draft a briefing, using the correct template that is at his fingertips. He also can make smart use of his time when his meeting is delayed by connecting to his workplace on his tablet and easily access his working tools.

During the meeting, his notes are directly be collected by OPSYS and later, he will be able to consult a central DB of experts to identify the best experts in the field. In one click, he shares this information with HQ and with the relevant counterparts.


DAY 3 - FIELD VISIT in Patamu

Day 3, Etienne travels to a field visit with OPSYS in his pocket and thanks to his smartphone, he has easy access to all relevant information. He can upload pictures and take notes that will be directly uploaded into OPSYS. He can focus on progress towards results while on the field but also start working on terms of references for example.

As a conclusion, Etienne can work anywhere and anytime, manage a large portfolio, access relevant background information, enjoy an easy collaboration and exchange with stakeholders and counterparts and focus his attention on monitoring and delivering better results for his programmes and projects.