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Increase your knowledge on development practices and policies, and read about lessons learnt from development professionals working around the world.


Results (174)
Biodiversity day

Biodiversity: the role of youth activism in the defence of ecosystems

Ambassadors' Blog Post

On International Day for Biological Diversity, our Capacity4dev Ambassador Enrique Andrés del Castillo shares his insights on the crucial role of youth activism in ensuring the future of biodiversity and ecosystems.

Biodiversity & Ecosystem
Children and Youth
Climate change & disaster risks
Environment & green economy
International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace

The role of the youth in international partnerships: the case of Ukraine and youth participation in reconstruction efforts

Voices & Views

On the occasion of International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace, the Capacity4dev Team worked on an article highlighting the importance of young people’s contribution to peacebuilding and reconstruction, especially...

Children and Youth
Development Policy
Fragility, Crisis Situations & Resilience
Humanitarian Aid
Peace and Security
Creativity and innovation day

In innovation we trust: harnessing the power of innovation and creativity to challenge gender stereotypes in Georgia

Ambassadors' Blog Post

On World Creativity and Innovation Day, I invite you to think out of the box: how can we harness the power of innovation and creativity to carve out new solutions to intricate challenges, such as gender stereotypes and inequality?

Children and Youth
Capacity Development
Social Protection and Inclusion
Producción de arroz sostenible en Java Central y Oriental: proyecto Arroz Bajo en Carbono

Producción de arroz sostenible en Java Central y Oriental: proyecto Arroz Bajo en Carbono

Voices & Views

Con motivo del Día Mundial de la Alimentación, Capacidad4dev se asocia con el Programa SWITCH-Asia y la Delegación de la Unión Europea en Indonesia y Brunei Darussalam. Descubra las ideas de los expertos y tres consejos.

Agriculture & Rural Development
Agricultural policy and statistics
Food crop production
Climate change & disaster risks
Climate Change
Employment & VET
Decent work
Environment & green economy
Green jobs
Production de riz durable dans le centre et l'est de Java : le projet Low Carbon Rice

Production de riz durable dans le centre et l'est de Java : le projet Low Carbon Rice

Voices & Views

A l'occasion de la Journée Mondiale de l'Alimentation, Capacité4dev s'associe au Programme SWITCH-Asia et à la Délégation de l'Union Européenne en Indonésie et Brunei Darussalam. Découvrez les avis d’experts et trois conseils.

Agriculture & Rural Development
Food crop production
Agriculture value chains and commodities
Agricultural policy and statistics
Climate change & disaster risks
Climate Change
Employment & VET
Decent work
Environment & green economy
Green jobs
Sustainable rice production in Central and East Java: the Low Carbon Rice project

Sustainable rice production in Central and East Java: the Low Carbon Rice project

Voices & Views

On the occasion of the World Food Day, Capacity4dev partners with the SWITCH-Asia Programme and the Delegation of the European Union to Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam. Discover the insights of experts and three tips.

Agriculture & Rural Development
Food crop production
Agricultural policy and statistics
Climate Change
Climate change & disaster risks
Employment & VET
Decent work
Environment & green economy
Green jobs
Inequality Week

A time to address inequality in EU sectors & development interventions: key findings


Addressing inequalities is a key priority for the European Commission. DG INTPA is committed to investing in capacity building and training with the objective of raising awareness on the complex and intersectional concept of...

Capacity Development
Intervention Cycle Management (Project/Program Cycle Management)
Knowledge Management
Development Effectiveness
Social Protection and Inclusion
Monitoring & Evaluation
young woman working

Los emprendedores sociales del mañana: invertir en competencias para jóvenes en el Caribe

Voices & Views

Antes del Foro UE-América Latina y el Caribe con los jóvenes, la sociedad civil y las autoridades locales de los días 13 y 14 de julio de 2023, y la Cumbre birregional entre la UE y la Comunidad de Estados de América Latina y el...

Americas & the Caribbean
Saint Lucia
Children and Youth
Youth employment, skills and entrepreneurship
Youth employment
young girl working

Les entrepreneurs sociaux de demain : Investir dans les compétences des jeunes aux Caraïbes

Voices & Views

Avant le Forum UE-Amérique latine et Caraïbes avec la jeunesse, la société civile et les autorités locales les 13 et 14 juillet 2023, et le Sommet birégional UE-Communauté des États latino-américains et des Caraïbes (UE-CELAC) les...

Americas & the Caribbean
Saint Lucia
Youth employment, skills and entrepreneurship
Youth employment
Children and Youth
young girl working

The Social Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow: Investing in youth skills in the Caribbean

Voices & Views

Did you know July 15th is World Youth Skills Day? Ahead of the EU-Latin America and the Caribbean Forum with Youth, Civil Society and Local Authorities on 13 and 14 July 2023, and the EU-Community of Latin American and Caribbean...

Saint Lucia
Americas & the Caribbean
Children and Youth
Youth employment, skills and entrepreneurship
Youth employment