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Results Framework

The EU Results Framework (EURF) and the Global Europe Results Framework (GERF) are the corporate results framework used to collect and measure key results achieved by interventions funded by external assistance financing instruments of EU international cooperation.

The Global Europe Results Framework was introduced in 2022. The Staff Working Document introducing the Global Europe Results Framework ((2022) 22 final) is available here. The EU Results Framework was first introduced in 2015 and revised in 2018. Both frameworks are in use:

  • The GERF applies to interventions financed under MFF 2021-2027
  • The EURF applies to interventions financed under MFF 2014-2020

The EURF will no longer be used once all interventions financed under MFF 2014-2020 have ended (expected in 2025).

Which indicators to consider for the 2022/2023 Results reporting exercise?

The results reporting exercise 2022/2023 only covers interventions financed under the MFF 2014-2020. Therefore, the indicators from the EU Results Framework apply.

Which indicators to consider when developing a logframe for an intervention funded by MFF 2021-2027?

Any intervention funded by MFF 2021-2027, that started after January 2022, should draw upon the set of indicators from the Global Europe Results Framework. Note that some methodological fiches are still under development.


  You can find here the GE RF - level 2 indicators translated from English to French, Spanish, Portuguese. 

 You can find here the EU RF - level 2 indicators translated from English to French, Spanish, Portuguese. 

Methodological notes provide the following information: what each indicator measures, the relevance of the indicator for EU policy, the main data sources, required and suggested disaggregations, the method of calculation and examples.

The tables below present the indicators from Global Europe Results Framework (GE RF) and the EU Results Framework (EU RF) with links to their methodological notes.

Indicators - Global Europe Results Framework since 2022 (interventions funded under the MFF 2021-2027)

The 2022 version of the Global Europe Results Framework was introduced via the Staff working document Global Europe Results Framework ((2022) 22 final) available here.

 You can find here the GE RF - level 2 indicators translated from English to French, Spanish and Portuguese. 

Level 1 - Impacts

Relevant SDG Indicators
SDG 2 End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture GERF 1.1 SDG 2.3.2 Average income of small-scale food producers, by sex and indigenous status
SDG 7 Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all GERF 1.2 SDG 7.1.1 Proportion of population with access to electricity
GERF 1.3 SDG 7.2.1 Renewable energy share in the total final energy consumption
SDG 11 Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable GERF 1.4 SDG 11.5.2: Direct economic loss in relation to global GDP, damage to critical infrastructure and number of disruptions to basic services, attributed to disasters
SDG 12 Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns GERF 1.5 SDG 12.2.1 Material footprint per GDP
SDG 13 Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts GERF 1.6 SDG 12.2.2 Domestic material consumption per capita
SDG 14 Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development GERF 1.7 SDG 15.5.1 Red List Index
SDG 9 Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation GERF 1.8 ITU ICT Regulatory Tracker
GERF 1.9 ITU Individuals using the internet
GERF 1.10 ITU ICT Development Index
SDG 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all GERF 1.11 SDG 8.5.2 Unemployment rate, by sex, age and persons with disabilities
GERF 1.12 SDG 8.6.1 Proportion of youth (aged 15- 24 years) not in education, employment or training
GERF 1.13 World Bank Doing Business distance to the frontier score
GERF 1.14 SDG 8.10.2 Proportion of adults (15 years and older) with an account at a bank or other financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider
SDG 9 Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation GERF 1.15 SDG 9.1.2 Passenger and freight volumes, by mode of transport
SDG 17 Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development GERF 1.16 SDG 17.1.2 Proportion of domestic budget funded by domestic taxes
SDG 10 Reduce inequality within and among countries GERF 1.17 SDG 10.7.4 Proportion of the population who are refugees, by country of origin
GERF 1.18 SDG 10.7.2 Number of countries with migration policies that facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people
SDG 16 Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels GERF 1.19 Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) Global Peace Index
GERF 1.20 World Bank Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) Rule of Law Score
GERF 1.21 World Bank Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) Voice and Accountability Score
GERF 1.22 World Bank Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) Government Effectiveness Score
SDG 1 End poverty in all its forms everywhere GERF 1.23 SDG 1.1.1 Proportion of population below the international poverty line
SDG 2 End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture GERF 1.24 SDG 2.1.1 Prevalence of undernourishment
GERF 1.25 SDG 2.2.1 Prevalence of stunting among children under 5 years of age
SDG 3 Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages GERF 1.26 SDG 3.7.2 Adolescent birth rate per 1,000 adolescents aged 15-19 years
GERF 1.27 SDG 3.8.1 Universal Health Coverage (UHC) index
SDG 4 Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all GERF 1.28 UNESCO Institute for Statistics Youth literacy rate
SDG 5 Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls GERF 1.29 SDG 5.5.1 Proportion of seats held by women in (a) national parliaments and (b) local governments

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
GERF 1.30 SDG 6.1.1 Proportion of population using safely managed drinking water services
GERF 1.31 SDG 6.2.1 Proportion of population using safely managed sanitation services
SDG 10 Reduce inequality within and among countries GERF 1.32 World Bank Gini index

Level 2 - Outputs and outcomes (for Results Data Collection exercise)

Relevant SDG Indicators
SDG 2 End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture GERF 2.1 Number of smallholders reached with EU supported interventions aimed to increase their sustainable production, access to markets and/or security of land
GERF 2.2 Areas of agricultural and pastoral ecosystems where sustainable management practices have been introduced with EU support
SDG 7 Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all GERF 2.3 Number of people with access to electricity with EU support through: (a) new access, (b) improved access
GERF 2.4 Renewable energy generation capacity installed (MW) with EU support
SDG 11 Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable GERF 2.5 Number of countries and cities with climate change and/or disaster risk reduction strategies: (a) developed, (b) under implementation with EU support
SDG 12 Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns GERF 2.6 Number of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises applying Sustainable Consumption and Production practices with EU support
SDG 13 Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts GERF 2.7 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions avoided (tonnes CO2eq) with EU support
SDG 14 Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development GERF 2.8 Marine areas under a) protection, b) sustainable management with EU support (km2)
SDG 15 Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss GERF 2.9 Areas of terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems under (a) protection, (b) sustainable management with EU support (km2)
SDG 9 Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation GERF 2.10 Number of countries supported by the EU to (a) develop and/or revise, (b) implement digital-related policies/strategies/laws/regulations
GERF 2.11 Number of people with access to Internet with EU

GERF 2.12 Number of (a) countries supported by the EU to enhance…, (b) people supported by the EU with enhanced… access to digital government services
SDG 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all GERF 2.13 Number of (a) jobs, (b) green jobs supported/sustained by the EU
GERF 2.14 Number of people who have benefited from institution or workplace based VET/skills development interventions supported by the EU: (a) all VET/skills development, (b) only VET/skills development for digitalisation
GERF 2.15 Number of processes related to partner country practices on trade, investment and business, or promoting the external dimension of EU internal policies or EU interest, which have been influenced
GERF 2.16 Number of countries supported by the EU to strengthen investment climate
GERF 2.17 Number of beneficiaries with access to financial services with EU support: (a) firms, (b) people (all financial services), (c) people (digital financial services)
SDG 9 Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation GERF 2.18 Total length of transport infrastructure supported by the EU (kms): (a) roads, (b) railways, (c) waterways
SDG 17 Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development GERF 2.19 Number of countries supported by the EU to strengthen revenue mobilisation, public financial management and/or budget transparency
SDG 10 Reduce inequality within and among countries GERF 2.20 Number of migrants, refugees, and internally displaced people or individuals from host communities protected or assisted with EU support
GERF 2.21 Number of migration management or forced displacement strategies or policies (a) developed/revised, or (b) under implementation with EU support
GERF 2.22 Number of EU-funded interventions reporting improvement of compliance of Border and Security Systems with EU /Schengen Acquis
SDG 16 Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels GERF 2.23 Number of state institutions and non-state actors supported by the EU on security, border management, countering violent extremism, conflict prevention, protection of civilian population and human rights
GERF 2.24 Number of people directly benefiting from EUsupported interventions that specifically aim to support civilian post-conflict peace-building and/or conflict prevention
GERF 2.25 Number of people directly benefiting from legal aid interventions supported by the EU
GERF 2.26 Number of countries supported by the EU to conduct elections and/or improve their electoral process
GERF 2.27 Number of electoral processes and democratic cycles supported, observed and followed by means of Election Observation Missions
GERF 2.28 Number of grassroots civil society organisations benefitting from (or reached by) EU support
GERF 2.29 Number of government policies developed or revised with civil society organisation participation through EU support
GERF 2.30 Number of victims of human rights violations directly benefiting from assistance funded by the EU
SDG 1 End poverty in all its forms everywhere GERF 2.31 Number of countries which have benefitted from EU support to strengthen their social protection systems
SDG 2 End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture GERF 2.32 Number of food insecure people receiving EU assistance
GERF 2.33 Number of women of reproductive age, adolescent girls and children under 5 reached by nutritionrelated interventions supported by the EU
SDG 3 Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages GERF 2.34 Number of women of reproductive age using modern contraception methods with EU support
GERF 2.35 Number of 1-year olds fully immunised with EU support
SDG 4 Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all GERF 2.36 Number of students enrolled in education with EU support: (a) primary education, (b) secondary education, (c) tertiary education
SDG 5 Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls GERF 2.37 Number of people benefitting from EU-funded interventions to counter sexual and gender-based violence
SDG 6 Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all GERF 2.38 Number of people with access to improved drinking water source and/or sanitation facility with EU support
SDG 10 Reduce inequality within and among countries GERF 2.39 Number of people directly benefiting from EUsupported interventions that aim to reduce social and economic inequality

Level 3 - Policy mainstreaming

Relevant SDG Indicators
SDG 2, 6, 7 & 11-15 GERF 3.1 Amount and share of EU-funded external assistance contributing to: (a) climate change (adaptation and mitigation), (b) protecting biodiversity, (c) combating desertification, (d) protecting the environment (Aid to Env)
SDG 9 GERF 3.2 Amount and share of EU-funded external assistance directed towards digitalisation
SDG 8 & 9 GERF 3.3 Amount and share of EU-funded external assistance contributing to strengthening investment climate
SDG 8 & 17 GERF 3.4 Amount and share of EU-funded external assistance contributing to: (a) aid for trade, (b) aid for trade to LDCs, and (c) trade facilitation
SDG 7, 8 & 17 GERF 3.5 Leverage of EU blending and guarantee operations financed by EU external assistance, measured as: (a) Investment leverage ratio, (b) Total eligible financial institution financing leverage ratio, (c) Private financing leverage ratio
SDG 17 GERF 3.6 Number and share of EU-funded external interventions supporting the implementation of political, economic and social reforms and joint agreements in partner countries
SDG 10 GERF 3.7 Amount and share of EU-funded external assistance directed towards migration and forced displacement-related interventions
SDG 16 GERF 3.8 Amount and share of EU-funded external assistance directed towards fragile states
GERF 3.9 Share of EU-funded external interventions responding to situations of a new and/or emerging crisis
SDG 1-6 GERF 3.10 Amount and share of EU-funded external assistance directed towards supporting social inclusion and human development
SDG 2 GERF 3.11 Amount and share of EU-funded external assistance directed towards nutrition
SDG 4 GERF 3.12 Amount and share of EU-funded external assistance directed towards education
SDG 5 GERF 3.13 Number and share of EU- external interventions promoting gender equality and women's empowerment
SDG 10 GERF 3.14 Number and share of EU-funded external interventions promoting disability inclusion
GERF 3.15 Amount and share of EU-funded external assistance directed towards reducing inequalities
SDG 17 GERF 3.16 Amount and share of EU-funded external assistance qualifying as ODA

Indicators - EU Results Framework since 2018 (interventions funded under MFF 2014-2020)

The 2018 version of the EU Results Framework was introduced via the accompanying Staff Working Document (SWD(2018) 444 final) that can be accessed here

 You can find here the EU RF - level 2 indicators translated from English to French, Spanish, Portuguese. 

Level 1 - Impacts
There are no methodological notes for level 1 indicators. Appropriate regional aggregates are taken directly from the international databases.
Level 2 - Outputs and outcomes (for Results Data Collection exercise)

Indicator Level 2 - Outputs and outcomes from EU interventions

SDG 1 

No Poverty

Measured at impact level

SDG 2 

Zero Hunger

2.1 - Number of food insecure people receiving EU assistance 


2.2 - Number of women of reproductive age, adolescent girls and children under 5 reached by nutrition related interventions supported by the EU 


2.3 - Number of smallholders reached with EU supported interventions aimed to increase their sustainable production, access to markets and/or security of land 


2.4 - Agricultural and pastoral ecosystems where sustainable management practices have been introduced with EU support (ha) 

SDG 3 

Good Health and Well-Being

2.5 - Number of 1-year olds fully immunised with EU support


 2.6 - Number of women of reproductive age using modern contraception methods with EU support 

SDG 4 

Quality Education

 2.7 - Number of students enrolled in education with EU support: a) primary education, b) secondary education

SDG 5 

Gender Equality

Disaggregation of other indicators

SDG 6 

Clean Water and Sanitation

2.8 - Number of individuals with access to improved drinking water source and/or sanitation facility with EU support

SDG 7 

Affordable and Clean Energy

2.9 - Number of individuals with access to electricity with EU support through: a) new access, b) improved access


2.10- Renewable energy generation capacity installed (MW) with EU support

SDG 8 

Decent Work and Economic Growth

2.11 - Number of jobs supported/sustained by the EU


2.12 - Number of countries supported by the EU to strengthen investment climate


2.13 - Number of beneficiaries with access to financial services with EU support: a) firms, b) individuals


2.14 - Number of quality schemes adopted by economic operators with EU support


2.15 - Number of people who have benefited from institution or workplace based VET/skills development interventions supported by the EU


Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

2.16 - Total length of road supported by the EU through a) construction, b) rehabilitation, c) maintenance (kms)

SDG 10 

Reduced Inequalities

2.17 - Number of migrants, forcibly displaced people or individuals from host communities protected or assisted with EU support


2.18 –Number of migration management or forced displacement strategies or policies a) developed/revised, or b) under implementation with EU support

SDG 11 

Sustainable Cities and Communities

2.19 - Number of countries and cities with climate change and/or disaster risk reduction strategies: a) developed, b) under implementation with EU support

SDG 12 

Responsible consumption and roduction

2.20 - Number of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises applying Sustainable Consumption and Production practices with EU support

SDG 13 

Climate Action

2.21 - Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions avoided (tonnes CO2eq) with EU support

SDG 14 

Life below Water

2.22 – Marine areas under a) protection, b) sustainable management with EU support (km2)

SDG 15 

Life on Land

2.23 - Areas of terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems under a) protection, b) sustainable management with EU support (ha)


Peace, Justice and strong Institutions

2.24 - Number of countries supported by the EU to conduct elections and/or improve their electoral process


2.25 - Number of government policies developed or revised with civil society organisation participation through EU support 


2.26 - Number of victims of human rights violations directly benefiting from assistance funded by the EU


2.27 - Number of people directly benefiting from legal aid interventions supported by the EU


2.28 - Number of individuals directly benefiting from EU supported interventions that specifically aim to support civilian post-conflict peace-building and/or conflict prevention


2.29 - Number of state institutions and non-state actors supported on security, border management, countering violent extremism, conflict prevention, protection of civilian population and human rights


Partnerships for the Goals

2.30 - Number of countries supported by the EU to strengthen revenue mobilisation, public financial management and/or budget transparency


Gender equality

2.31 - Number of people benefitting from EU-funded interventions to counter sexual and gender-based violence

Level 3 - Policy mainstreaming

Level 3 - Mainstreaming of policy priorities

3.1 - Amount of EU funded international cooperation and development assistance directed towards nutrition 

3.2 - Share of EU funded international cooperation and development assistance directed towards supporting Human Development 

3.3 - proportion of EU funded cooperation and development initiatives promoting gender equality and women's empowerment 

3.4 - Amount and share of the EU funded international cooperation and development assistance contributing to  

  • (a) protecting biodiversity;
  • (b) climate change (adaptation and mitigating);
  • (c) combating desertification;
  • (d) protecting the environment (Aid to Env)

3.5 - Amount of the EU funded international cooperation and development assistance contributing to strengthening investment climate 

3.6 - Leverage of EU blending and guarantee operations financed by EU international cooperation and development assistance, measured as:  

  • (a) Investment leverage ratio;
  • (b) Total eligible Financial Institution financing leverage ratio;
  • (c) Private financing leverage ratio

3.7 - Amount of the EU funded international cooperation and development assistance contributing to trade facilitation 

3.8 - Proportion of EU funded international cooperation and development assistance contributing to aid for trade directed towards least developed countries 

3.9 - Amount of EU funded international cooperation and development assistance directed towards fragile states 

3.10 – Amount of EU funded international cooperation and development qualifying as ODA

EU Results Framework (2015 - 2018) - no longer in use

The 2015 version of the EU Results Framework was introduced via the accompanying Staff Working Document (SWD(2014) 80 final) that can be accessed here. It is no longer in use as it was replaced by a revised version in 2018, see above. 

Level 1



Indicator Level 1 (Global development progress - impact)


Inclusive Growth and poverty reduction

Proportion of population living below $1.25 (PPP) per day


Inclusive Growth and poverty reduction

Income share held by the lowest 40% of income distribution (% income, period averages)


Inclusive Growth and poverty reduction

Real GDP growth, (i) latest year and (ii) average over last 5 years


Good Governance

Average Rule of Law score( as measured by the Worldwide Governance Index) [2]


Good Governance

Average Control of Corruption score (as measured by the Worldwide Governance Index) [3]


Good Governance

Average Voice and Accountability score (as measured by the Worldwide Governance Index) [4]


Conflict prevention, peace building and security

Number of violent deaths per 100,000


Sustainable and inclusive Agriculture (Agriculture and Food Security)

Agricultural Value Added measured using Cereal Yield per hectare as proxy indicator


Nutrition (Agriculture and Food Security)

Prevalence of stunting (moderate and severe) of children aged below five years


Systemic resilience to food crisis (Agriculture and Food Security)

Prevalence of undernourishment



Percentage of the population with access to energy services



Renewable energy production as a proportion of total energy production


Public Finance Management, taxation, transparency and oversight of the budget (Good Governance)

Change in domestic revenue mobilisation as a percentage of GDP over the last three years.



Primary Education Completion Rate



Literacy rate of 15-24 year-olds



Lower Secondary Education Completion Rate



Under-five mortality rate



Maternal mortality ratio



HIV prevalence among population aged 15-24 years


Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change

Number of (i) deaths per 100,000 and (ii) economic loss as a proportion of GDP, from climate-related and, natural disasters - average over last ten years


Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change

CO2 equivalent emission


Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change

Proportion of population using an improved drinking water source


Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change

Rate of net forest cover change


Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change

State of global biodiversity


Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change

Proportion of population using an improved sanitation facility



Road density


Employment and Social Protection

Proportion of employed people living below $1.25 (PPP) per day


Employment and Social Protection

Share of older persons receiving pensions


Trade and Private sector development

Average Global Competitiveness score


Trade and Private sector development

Exports of goods and services as percentage of GDP


Gender equality and women's empowerment

Proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments


Gender equality and women's empowerment

Percentage of women aged 20-24 years old who were married before their 15th/ 18th birthday

Level 2



Indicator Level 2 (Development Outcome and Outputs)


Human Rights (Good Governance)

Number of human rights defenders who have received EU support


Good Governance

Number of elections supported by the EU where the electoral process is perceived by independent observers as free and fair


Good Governance

Number of individuals directly benefiting from Justice, Rule of Law and Security Sector Reform programmes funded by EU external assistance programmes


Good Governance

Number of people directly benefiting from legal aid programmes supported by the EU


Conflict prevention, peace building and security

Number of individuals directly benefiting from EU supported programmes that specifically aim to support civilian post-conflict peace-building and/or conflict prevention


Sustainable and inclusive Agriculture (Agriculture and Food Security)

Agricultural and pastoral ecosystems where sustainable land management practices have been introduced with EU support (number of hectares)


Sustainable and inclusive Agriculture (Agriculture and Food Security)

Number of people receiving rural advisory services with EU support


Sustainable and inclusive Agriculture (Agriculture and Food Security)

Number of women and men who have secure tenure of land with EU support


Nutrition (Agriculture and Food Security)

Number of women of reproductive age and children under 5 benefiting from nutrition related programmes with EU support


Systemic resilience to food crisis (Agriculture and Food Security)

Number of food insecure people receiving assistance through social transfers supported by the EU



Number of people provided with access to sustainable energy services with EU support



Renewable energy production supported by the EU



Kilometres of transmission /distribution lines built or upgraded with EU support


Public Finance Management, taxation, transparency and oversight of the budget (Good Governance)

Number of countries where overall public financial management has improved



Number of children enrolled in primary education with EU support



Number of children enrolled in secondary education with EU support



Number of teachers trained with EU support



Number of births attended by skilled health personnel with EU support



Number of 1-year olds immunised with EU support



Number of women using any method of contraception with EU support



Number of people with advanced HIV infection receiving antiretroviral therapy with EU support



Number of insecticide-treated bed-nets distributed with EU support


Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change

Number of countries/regions with climate change strategies (a) developed and/or (b) implemented with EU support


Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change

Number of hectares of protected areas managed with EU support


Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change

Number of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) applying Sustainable Consumption and Production practices with EU support



Total length of road constructed /rehabilitated /maintained with EU support (kms)



Number of people with access to all season roads with EU support


Employment and Social Protection

Number of people who have benefited from VET/ skills development and other active labour market programmes with EU support


Trade and Private sector development

Number of countries whose capacity to trade across borders has improved with EU support


Trade and Private sector development

Number of firms with access to credit with EU support


Trade and Private sector development

Number of quality schemes adopted by economic operators with EU support


Trade and Private sector development

Number of countries where the business environment has improved with EU support

Level 3


Performance areas / Policy priorities

Indicator Level 3 (Organisational Performance)


Quality of project documents as assessed by DG International Cooperation and Development's internal Quality Support Groups (QSG)

% of project documents assessed as satisfactory (i.e. well-designed or giving rise to only minor issues to be addressed) in internal peer review (yearly)

Project documents describe in detail the funding, modality and rationale of an intervention. They are subject to a quality assurance system, at the end of which they are graded (A), (B), or (C):

(A) Action well-defined, no issues or minor issues to be addressed

(B) Action with issues that need to be addressed before proceeding to the next stage

(C) Action with fundamental issues

This indicator records the share of projects graded as (A) or (B).


DG International Cooperation and Development's internal assessment of ongoing projects (activities)

% of projects with red traffic lights concerning progress on implementation

This is a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for Sound Financial Management and Efficient Use of EC Resources. It reflects the number of projects with red traffic lights, i.e. problems in implementation, as a % of all projects, based on assessments recorded in the Project List.


DG International Cooperation and Development's internal assessment of ongoing projects (results)

% of projects with red traffic lights concerning the achievement of objectives

This is a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for Sound Financial Management and Efficient Use of EC Resources. It reflects the number of projects at risk of not achieving project objectives as a % of all projects, based on assessments in the Project List.


Budget execution (commitments)

Value of EU international cooperation and development assistance committed (value and % of execution of available budget)

This indicator includes commitments both under the International Cooperation and Development budget (which is part of the EU budget) as well as the European Development Fund (which is financed by direct contributions from the EU Member States).


Budget execution (disbursements)

Value of EU international cooperation and development assistance paid (value and % of execution of available budget)

This indicator includes disbursements both under the International Cooperation and Development budget (which is part of the EU budget) as well as the European Development Fund (which is financed by direct contributions from the EU Member States).


Time needed to disburse

% of invoices paid within the period of 30 days within the framework of EU international cooperation and development assistance

This is a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for Sound Financial Management and Efficient Use of EC Resources. It records the number of on-target invoices as a % of all invoices paid.


Nutrition mainstreaming

Amount of EU-funded international cooperation and development assistance directed towards nutrition


Gender mainstreaming

Proportion of EU-funded cooperation and development initiatives promoting gender equality and women's empowerment


Fragile states

Amount of EU-funded international cooperation and development assistance directed towards fragile states


Leverage of EU blending operations

(a) Investment leverage ratio

(b) Total eligible financial institution leverage ratio

(c) Private loans / equity leverage ratio


Human development

Share of EU-funded international cooperation and development assistance directed towards supporting Human Development


Environment and climate change

Amount and share of EU-funded international cooperation and development assistance contributing to: (a) protecting biodiversity, and (b) fighting climate change (adaptation and mitigation)


Trade facilitation

Amount of EU-funded international cooperation and development assistance contributing to trade facilitation